FlightSimBuilder G1000 Instructions

I. General Setup 


1. Connect three cables provided with the unit (usb, hdmi, power supply)

2. If you have two units (PFD and MFD) you need to change one of them to MFD. Please HOLD right <-> button until the buttons are flashing. 

Please restart the launcher and verify it shows both PFD and MFD

FlightSimBuilder G1000 PFD-MFD swap


NOTE: Please keep in mind that you need to switch between PFD and MFD before starting the launcher and the sim. This functionality is not for "hot swapping"

3. To power off the unit, hold Left <-> button

4. To change buttons backlighting intensity, please rotate top right knob (VOL Push SQ)

II. Assembly 

1. Insert G1000 unit into the metal stand

2. Unscrew 4 nuts on the back of the unit

3. Insert  provided plastic brackets into the screws you've removed nuts in step #2

4. Insert back the 4 nuts and slightly tighten using provided hex key (do not overnight)


1. Download FlightSimBuilder Launcher

2. Run Setup, this will install the launcher and create a link on desktop

3. Run Launcher from Desktop

4. Click "Launch MSFS 2020"

5. Start your flight and then hold Right ATL so the cursor changes to magnifying glass. Then move the screen to your unit.

6. If you have PFD and MFD, once you pop the units out they will be in one box. Please cleck on "+" sign inside the box to split them to two boxes

7. Once it's moved hold Left Alt and press Enter to get rid of header on top.

IMPORTANT: The assignments are handled via FlightSimBuilder launcher as MSFS does not all functions available for mapping. You will not see any assignments in MSFS control menu.

NOTE: If the PFD or MFD did not fill full screen (black bars on the sides), this is a weird MSFS bug. Please check this video on how to fix it

Optional: You can also use the below addon to make MSFS remember your popout location

IV. X-Plane

Using Launcher for fast encoder response and ease of setup

1. Download FlightSimBuilder Launcher

2. Run Setup, this will install the launcher and create a link on desktop

3. Run X-Plane Launcher (orange icon) from Desktop

V. X-Plane setup for Mac (& legacy window setup)

1. Place the following three files into \X-Plane 12\Resources\joystick configs\ folder and restart the sim



If the buttons / encoders still not working, please open control panel and navigate to FlightSimBuilder PFD or MFD. If the mapping is still empty, press "Reset to Defaults for FlightSimBuilder G1000 PFD" (or MFD) on the bottom left.

2. Remove the bezel around GPS:

1. Download the following file G1000PFD_2d.png or G1000MFD_2d.png  (right click and select "Save Link As")
b. Locate "X-Plane 11\Resources\bitmaps\cockpit\EFIS\G1000" folder
c. Copy above two files  to the above folder. When asked, select "Overwrite files" 

d. Place downloaded files from above into "X-Plane 11\Resources\bitmaps\cockpit\EFIS\G1000" folder. 

X-Plane 12
1. Download the following no_bezel archive file and extract to your preferred location
b. Locate "X-Plane 12\Resources\bitmaps\cockpit\EFIS\G1000" folder
c. Copy all files from the archive to the above folder. When asked, select "Overwrite files" 

3. Launch X-Plane

4. Left click on G1000 in the sim

5. Click on top right corner to Undock it. The button on the top right corner is somewhat hidden but you can see it in the video.

6. Move the GPS to the unit screen

  To remove the bar on the buttom, you can select "Automaticly hide the taskbar" in windows taskbar behaviorsimage5.jpeg

V. Additional functionality:

1. Power On / Off - Left <->
2. Switch from PFD to MFD - Right <->
3. LED brightness - Right Vol

4. LCD Menu Mode. Hold Click Left "Nav" for 3 seconds. 
4a (once in LCD Menu Mode). "NAV" press to Enter
4b (once in LCD Menu Mode). "NAV" small knob to +/- 
4c (once in LCD Menu Mode). "Baro" press to cycle through different video inputs (VGA->HDMI) "
4d (once in LCD Menu Mode). Right "COM" press to Exit LCD Menu Mode 

Once in flight simulator, you would just undock the GPS unit and move it to the unit screen.

4. Encoder Speed Mode. This will enable to increase / decrease encoder speed mode on a scale from 1 to 10 (by default it's 5). However currently, if you increase beyond 5, X-Plane / MSFS will not be able to read it.

Press and Hold "HDG" knob. The buttons will illuminate showing the current speed. 

Use "HDG" rotation to adjust encoder speed. 

Press "HDG" again to exit the encode speed mode.