Troubleshooting Steps

I. First, please make sure

1. You are using a plane which has a respective avionics units (i.e. GNS 530 or G1000). For example TBM has a G3000 which would not would out of box with G1000 (it can still be custom mapped though)

2. All three cables are connected (USB, HDMI, Power)

3. HDMI cable is connected to your graphics card and not motherboard. You can still connect to motherboard (which can have some performance benefits), however you need to activate that port in BIOS as by default motherboard HDMI port is disabled when graphics card is present.

4. If you have two units, please make sure that one is switched to MFD. Please open Windows Joystick Controller (please see below) and verify that the two units are shown (PFD and MFD)

II. Next, let's troubleshoot the unit hardware


- For GNS 530: Press Windows button and start typing "joystick". Open Joystick control and click on FlightSimBuilder GNS 530
Troubleshooting Steps

For G1000: Please download  and open the application

2. Press any buttons on the unit and note if it's registering presses in windows.  If not, please contact support by sending email to If it does register, continue

Troubleshooting Steps

III. If the buttons registering, let's check the WASM module

1. Go to Community folder and temporary move all other WASM modules out of Community folder

2. Restart the sim / launcher and test it again

If still no luck

3. Go to Community Folder and delete FlightSimBuilder WASM module 

4. Uninstall the launcher

5. Re-download and install the launcher

6. Launch MSFS using the launcher and start a flight. Click on GNS 530/G1000 buttons with you mouse to confirm it's working

7. If this has not resolved the issue and the issue started after a recent MSFS update, full re-install of MSFS might be required

8. If it's still not working, please take a screenshots of the following three things to

- Windows Joystick Controller window
- FlightSimBuilder Launcher window
- Community Folder